History of the Taiwan Association of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Along with Taiwan’s world-famous medical research standards, a world-class academic journal of Chinese medicine has been developed in Taiwan to promote the increased internationalization of Chinese medical research. Therefore, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in the Health and Welfare Division of the Executive Yuan (formerly the Department of Health Committee on Chinese Medicine) commissioned the Center for Food and Biomolecules at National Taiwan University to establish the an international journal of traditional Chinese medicine, the internationally-circulated Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (JTCM). JTCM published its first issue in October 2011, and by January 2014 had published over 100 articles.
In 2011, Preparatory Committee Chairman Professor Shen Sheng Guo and Professor Lee-yan Sheen created JTCM. Professor Lee-yan Sheen ensured that JTCM published articles that meet a high international standard, in order to appeal to a global community of renowned scholars in the field of traditional and complementary medicine. JTCM is currently published through Elsevier.